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Maddie Meditates' Shop

Meditation, Chakra & Spiritual Workshops For Sale

Welcome to Maddie Meditates, your premier destination for transformative spiritual growth. We offer a diverse collection of meditation, chakra, and spiritual workshops designed to guide you on a path to inner peace and profound healing. Whether you seek to deepen your meditation practice, balance your chakras, or embark on a journey of self-discovery, our expertly crafted workshops provide the tools and support you need. Join our community today and take the first step towards a more harmonious and enlightened life.

Guided Meditations

The Root Chakra

The Root Chakra

Within this 7 Chakra Workshop Series we will be going into depth on each of the 7 chakras within your body. The Root Chakra workshop is for you if you're in need of healing childhood trauma, sexual and intimate issues, fear and anxiety, feelings of being ungrounded, and lack of security and safety. The Root Chakra is the first chakra among the 7 chakras. It is your foundational piece. If the root is shown to be ungrounded, lacking of safety and security, filled with fear, and has experiences of neglect or distrust - it creates a ripple effect within the rest of the chakra system. Our body contains memories of our past and allows for the past to live within the present. Unfortunately, the root chakra can hold many memories of past traumatic experiences that later form hindrances on your present and future experiences - simply by allowing for the past to live on in your body. In this workshop we will be diving deep into the world of the root chakra. Harnessing all that may be contained within this space - bringing it to the light, experiencing it fully, and letting it leave the body. That being said, this workshop is not for the fainthearted - it has the capability of bringing up many trapped emotions from childhood, intimate experiences, unhealed wounds from guardian upbringing, etc. As you come into this workshop, I request that you do so with an open and forgiving heart. There is so much to learn through the experience of your body and the root has so much to teach you. May you listen with the deepest space within your heart. Journal Prompts: (*Follow along at the time the video suggests*) 1) What is a story from your childhood that you told yourself was an integral part to your identity that you’re ready to let go of? (Ex: Coming from divorced parents - love isn’t real and I can’t trust anyone.) (Ex: Coming from a household of a cancer-ridden sibling - I am unimportant.) (Ex: Coming from a place of sexual trauma - I am unworthy.) 2) Why are you ready to let go of it? Or are you really not ready? (Ex: Unconsciously addicted to the chaos and negativity due to a toxic space of “known” comfort there.) 3) Who in your life deserves forgiveness?
The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

Within this 7 Chakra Workshop Series we will be going into depth on each of the 7 chakras within your body. The Sacral Chakra workshop is for you if you're in need of: - A reunion with your innate creative forces - Movement from seriousness to playfulness - Healing and cutting of energetic cords tied to past intimate partners and/or experiences - Stimulation of libido or sexual drive - Connection to the world and people around you - Release of unworthiness, guilt, and shame from past experiences or trauma - Balancing the divine feminine and divine masculine energies within The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra found in the main 7 chakra system. Within this chakra lies your You-niverse of pleasure, creation, passion, sexuality, play, balance between the divine masculine and feminine energies within, and connection. It is your powerhouse for authenticity, freedom, and movement. Unfortunately, it is also the home to many unreleased emotions, traumatic cords tying you to past intimate partners and experiences, and sexual and reproductive deficiencies; as well as guilt, shame, and unworthiness. Many of us hold much of our unhealed trauma within this area being that it is one of our foundational pieces to our livelihood. It connects us to the human essence within. It helps us to move through our world relating and understanding the world and people around us. And as with any foundational piece - there most commonly lies an imbalance. Within this workshop we will be entering the realm of possible past trauma, unforgiving memories, and people who have inflicted harm. This is not a workshop for one who is not ready to truly feel the pain or suffering that has been inflicted - sexually, emotionally, physically. As a warning, this workshop has the ability to bring up rage, anger, distrust, and feelings of deep resent. This workshop is meant for those who are ready to bring up the pain in order to deeply feel, understand, gain empathy, heal, and let go. I look forward to seeing you there as we embark on our journey to immense healing. As you come into this workshop, I ask you to do so with an empathic heart - for yourself and those that may arise. Journal Prompts: (*Follow along at the time the video suggests*) 1) What’s the very root of the story that keeps repeating within you that is keeping this place blocked? (Ex: I am still holding onto my mistakes I made in the past.) (Ex: I am undeserving of forgiveness.) (Ex: I can’t let go of my ex.) Go deep! Why can’t you let go of your ex? Why are you still holding onto your mistakes - did your father figure punish you for mistakes and thus made you feel as though mistakes were always wrong? Did his father teach him the same? 2) Are you capable of loving your darkness and seeing yourself through the eyes of compassion? 3) Can you begin to gain empathy and forgiveness for those that play a part in this story?
The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Within this 7 Chakra Workshop Series we will be going into depth on each of the 7 chakras within your body. The Solar Plexus Chakra Workshop is for you if you're in need of: - Rediscovering meaning in your life - Soulful, deep, and mutually beneficial encounters and relationships - Connecting to your Soul’s Purpose - Setting consistent boundaries - Sparking willpower and self-discipline to do the things that are good for you - Letting go of fear of rejection, non-belonging, and indecisiveness The Solar Plexus is the 3rd chakra amongst the 7 chakra systems found within the body. This chakra is the calling to connect more deeply with your power, purpose, and drive. So many of us have moved throughout this life aimlessly at times - confused to where we’re meant to be, who we’re meant to be with, and what we’re meant to be doing. Life is meant to be lived with Divine Purpose and fulfillment - yet when we have a hard time setting boundaries, taking action, or surrounding ourselves with those that uplift our Life Force Energy - it can be incredibly difficult to connect with that Power within. This workshop is meant to help you rejoice within your own Universe - the Universe within. Helping you to grasp a deep understanding of why you’re here and the incredible talents, skills, and traits you possess. This is a time to truly shine your radiance outward to the world. Stepping into your power and reclaiming what is truly yours. This is a time of finding your purpose once again or maybe even for the very first time. You were not put here to simply idle on by. You were put here to create meaning, to help others, to strive, to learn, to educate, to love, to lead. It is all within you and it is time you truly feel this. Join me in our reclamation of our deepest Truth. All the power that lies here on this beautiful Planet Earth, also lies within you. Let us connect to this Oneness once again. Journal Prompts: (*Follow along at the time the video suggests*) 1) Write down your top 5 personal morals that you live in integrity with or hope to begin to instill. 2) What in this life sparks light into your Soul? What makes you feel fulfilled? Happy? Joyful? Connected? Free? (Ex: Being around my friends, helping people, being at the beach, going on a walk) 3) Even if you can’t find a way to make this “thing” into a career for yourself right now, how can you bring this experience into your life more often? 4) Write down 3 things that inspire you about you.
The Heart Chakra Workshop

The Heart Chakra Workshop

Within this 7 Chakra Workshop Series we will be going into depth on each of the 7 chakras within your body. The Heart Chakra workshop is for you if you're in need of: - Tending to the wounds of the inner child - Building self-esteem - Cultivating a deeper relationship with the Self - Releasing limiting beliefs and self-doubt - Finding joy, freedom, and happiness in life - Moving beyond anxiety, fear, and self-hatred - Healthier coping mechanisms The Heart Chakra is your balance between the two worlds that exist within: The Human and The Spirit. The Human World living within the realm of the Root Chakra (the very first chakra) and The Spirit World living within the realm of the Crown Chakra (the very last chakra). The reason as to why Love is such an integral piece to this Divine Experience is that it allows for both worlds to coexist within. Love existing within the 4th chakra (the middle chakra), the Heart Chakra. As we reach into the depths of your Sacred Heart Space - you will be reminded of how tender, vulnerable, and deep your Soul truly is. Sometimes we forget. Sometimes we trick ourselves into believing this false sense of protection and defense. Sometimes we fill ourselves with Egoic talk - never allowing for this space within to unfold in its sensitivities. Within the most tender of places - you are able to find yourself again. To witness the true humanness within and see yourself through the eyes of raw empathy and humility. Recognizing that no, you are not above the people around you - and yes, you do share such similar experiences to these people you once told yourself you’re nothing alike. The closer of a connection you come into with this Sacred Space - the more authenticity and rawness you allow for. The closer your personal relationships get. The closer your relationship with your Self gets. The stronger you feel the ebb and flow of the Universe. The more you’re in tune with everything and everyone around you. So take this jump with me. A jump into a world that may seem so foreign to you now. Allow for yourself to see all the pieces of your darkness with the greatest sense of humility and compassion. I will see you there. Journal Prompts: (*Follow along at the time the video suggests*) 1) When’s the last time it felt foreign to be inside your own body? What’s keeping you from looking deeper? (Ex: a secret you don’t want to admit is true / unrealistic expectations for yourself/ not sure of what you might find / unworthy) 2) How does God/Universe care for you? In how many ways? In what ways?
The Throat Chakra Workshop

The Throat Chakra Workshop

Within this 7 Chakra Workshop Series we will be going into depth on each of the 7 chakras within your body. The Throat Chakra workshop is for you if you're in need of: - Expressing yourself more freely - Establishing healthier forms of communication - Releasing you need for control - Finding your voice again - Formulating and instilling strong boundaries - Letting go of repression & inauthenticity - Harnessing your clairaudience The Throat Chakra is your home of expression & communication; both of which allow for you to move throughout your world in a healthy and abundant manner. Without your ability to express and freely communicate the world tends to create a vision for you, of you, that you may not hold very near and dear to your own heart. Yet, you are swayed by the way the world tells you how to act, what to say, how to feel, what to do. Your voice is lost and your ability to tune in more deeply to what is truly being called of you is buried underneath societal confines. Within this workshop we are instilling the frequency of freedom into this very powerful place within. We are healing and releasing the limiting behaviors that keep us so tightly confined to our ways of perceiving ourselves and the world around us. We are finding our own voice again. Recognizing what truly strikes the Heart in certain ways and what doesn't. You are free to cultivate your own Truth - not the truth of the world around you. How liberating! Journal Prompts: (*Follow along at the time the video suggests*) 1) When do you find it hardest to express yourself? Is it around someone, somewhere, in a current emotion or mood? 2) Why is there a sense of fear with your expression in those moments? What is the root? Are you aware of the root?
Third Eye Chakra Workshop (2nd Half)
Third Eye Chakra Workshop (1st Half)
Crown Chakra Workshop

Crown Chakra Workshop

Within this 7 Chakra Workshop Series we will be going into depth on each of the 7 chakras within your body. The Crown Chakra Workshop is for you if you're in need of: - A deeper connection to Spirit, the Divine - An emergence through the confines of your physical body and the pain that you may be suffering through - Release of the Ego, Mind, and Intellect - Remembering of your Deepest Truth - The meeting of your Soul Family - A coming into Pure Awareness - Finding your Soul’s purpose The Crown Chakra is your home of deep-seated, pure, unshakable Awareness. It is the experience of Enlightenment and True Awakening. It is where we come to reconnect to and remember the Spirit Self that dwells within this beautiful physical avatar. It is only within the seat of Divine Crown Consciousness that we understand the Truth of who we really are - Light Beings, here to protect, guide, nurture, and heal this world. Guided by many Spirit Guides along our journey. We are never alone. We have a path. We have a purpose. It is time to release the illusion that this density brings and come into the Light. Journal Prompts: (*Follow along with the time the video suggests*) 1) When do you feel the most connected to the Divine? 2) When do you feel most disconnected to the Divine? 3) You were put here for a reason. What do you believe that reason is? What is your Soul’s Purpose? 4) Who do you believe is guiding you in this Life? Do you have help? Are you alone? 5) What would you like to ask of from the Divine? What would you like the Divine to know about you?

Guided Chakra Workshops

Maddie Meditates Wellness Center
2429 Central Ave #204, St. Petersburg, FL 33713

(813) 530-6087

Maddie Meditates offers alternative therapy services
in St. Pete, FL, specializing in Reiki Energy Healing, Spiritual Life Coaching, Meditation, Breathwork, Conscious Movement/Embodiment & Art Play.


Additionally, she organizes local community events in
St. Pete and Tampa, as well as spiritual retreats across
the United States.

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